'Nagatsuki', September, the ninth month of the lunar calendar

It's feeling like autumn as it's getting cooler and cooler these days.
Each month of the traditional Japanese lunar calendar has its own name, and September is called Naga-tsuki (literally long moon).
There are several opinions about the etymology of this naming.
One explanation holds that it implies the longing of the night-time together with the shortening of the daytime after the end of summer.
There is also an event called Chushu-no-Meigetsu (Harvest Moon; literary Mid-Autumn Moon). This is an event to admire the full moon on 15th August of the lunar calendar. This year it was on 10th September when many of you might have a chance to see and be impressed by the beauty of the full moon uncovered by clouds.
Since ancient times Japanese people have cultivated aesthetic sensitivity to the insects singing in a tuft of grass and wildflowers.
It would be nice to have a peace of mind by enjoying such cute sounds of insects in the tranquility of an autumn evening
