Fireworks Diplays

It is said that the history of Japanese fireworks displays goes back to the Warring States Period more than 430 years ago.
There is also a record that the Shogun TOKUGAWA Ieyasu enjoyed fireworks displays in the beginning of the Edo period. During the Edo Period which lasted for more than 260 years, the popularity of fireworks had been supported by a newly emerging class of townsmen (chonin) and had never declined.
While having gorgeous images, fireworks are considered to repose the dead souls. It is also assumed that there is a certain relationship between fireworks and the Obon (Bon Festival: August 13 to 16), a traditional Buddhist custom of welcoming back the spirits of the ancestors.
The Tamagawa Firework Festival is a historical event which started in 1929 to cerebrate the enforcement of the municipal organization. Following last year the Festival is to be cancelled again this year due to the prevention of spread of COVID-19 infection.
For more information, please visit the Kawasaki City's home page. link
