The Kawasaki City Representative Assembly for Foreign Residents 

The city of Kawasaki established the Representative Assembly for Foreign Residents in 1996 to aim at achieving the reality of Multicultural Symbiosis Society or Tabunka Kyosei Syakai.
In the Assembly, the foreign residents of the city choose their own topics concerning things that come up in their daily lives or problems that they face.

We are now calling for the 14th representatives.
People who do not hold Japanese citizenship and are at least 18 years of age as of 1st April 2022 may apply.

Please contact the below for more information:
1)Tabunka Kyosei Suishin Dept, Shimin Seikatsu, Kawasaki City Shimin Bunka kyoku, Tel. 044-200-2846
2) One-Stop Center Tel. 044-455-8811
