Kawasaki International Association
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Re: New Address (September, 2006)

Sorry for the inconvenience. Our site and mail addresses have been changed as the following without the pre-notice as the server suddenly did stop their services.
Please change the setting if the former site has been linked or book marked on your side.

Kawasaki International Associationhttp://www.kian.or.jp/
Kawasaki International Centerhttp://www.kian.or.jp/kic/
Mail Address
Kawasaki International Association / Kawasaki International Center

Please make sure that the former addresses are not available completely: it means the notice on the movement can be seen nowhere and we can not send or receive any mails through the former addresses. We sincerely apologize for this inconvenience. Please access the above addresses for the further information hereafter. Thank you for your understandings.

Copyright (c) Kwasaki International Association. All rights reserved.