An event we look forward to every year: Winter Gathering & Foreign Students Exchange Party. Japanese residents, foreign residents and foreign students living in the area come together for this. By all means, be there!! Admission free, Reservation required: contact the Kawasaki International Association

November 11, 2017 Sat Part 1: 11:00 to 12:00 Part 2: 13:30 to 16:30
Kawasaki International Center Part 1: lobby Part 2: hall
Part 1: recital and performances by foreign students
Part 2:
  • “Kawasaki Through Foreign Eyes” photo contest awards ceremony
  • World music and dance performances:
Bian Lian: traditional Chinese dramatic art including very fast changes of masks and juggling
Russian dancing and balalaika performance
Latin guitar performance by Irving Koji
  • Sweets and Tea around the world: India, China, Brazil, and the Philippines
  • Multicultural hands-on experiences: Chinese paper cuttings
  • Information Desk: explaining academic support projects, advising for foreigners by a Gyouseishoshi administrative scrivener